Fee Schedule and Fee Waiver Policy
Hananwill Fee Schedule and Fee waiver Policy:
Hananwill Credit Counseling course fee is $25.00 per household.This fee is the same price for both Internet Counseling and Telephone Counseling. This fee can be paid by the client by using a credit/debit card, electronic check, or by mailing a check/money order, or may be billed to the clients Bankruptcy Attorney if the Attorney provides a code to the client.
Hananwill Credit Counseling may in whole or in part waive the fee for clients who demonstrate a lack or ability to pay.
To determine fee waiver status, a client will need to submit to Hananwill Credit Counseling a written fee waiver request. This can be sent to Hananwill by email at creditcounseling@hananwill.com, or by mail to:
Hananwill Credit Counseling
115 N Cross Street
Robinson, IL 62454
In the written fee waiver request please submit the following
Names of all people living in the household.
If employed: 2 most recent pay stubs.
If receiving Social Security, Disability or other Government income assistance: documentation from the appropriate government benefit office is required.
If receiving retirement/pension benefits appropriate documentation from retirement/pension is required.
If receiving any other assistance (child support, food assistance) please send documentation of this assistance from the appropriate government agency.
If receiving unemployment documentation from the State unemployment commission is required.
If claiming dependants the first page of most recent 1040 tax return is required.
A client presumably lacks the ability to pay the entire fee if the Client’s household current income is less than 150% of the federal poverty guidelines updated periodically in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Hananwill Credit Counseling will waive the entire fee in the Client’s household current income is 100% or less of the Federal Poverty Guideline, and Hananwill Credit Counseling will reduce the fee clients pay to $15.00 for client’s household current income between 100% and 150% of the Federal Poverty Guideline. Click here to see the Federal poverty guidelines.
Hananwill Credit Counseling will also waive the fee for client’s receiving Pro Bono or free legal services through an Attorney.